Thursday, December 10, 2009

I Have Found the Fountain of Youth!!

Today I turned 32 years old.  Yeah, I know.  Big effin deal.  The strangest thing just happened though.  I just received my renewed drivers license from the DMV down here in good ol' Miami.  Funny thing is that the picture that I took for my license when I was a young whippersnapper at 23 years of age is on my new license and its good until the year 2018!!  I'll be FORTY ONE at that point!!  I also had my eyesight fading away around the time that my former license was issued, so much so that I had to squint a little bit when they gave me the eye test when I went to get my first Florida license.  I guess after you pass one vision test that you are grandfathered in to the "awesome eyesight" club!

It's so awesome knowing that I've found the Fountain of Youth that Ponce de Leon spent years looking for.  And to think, all our buddy Ponce needed was a DMV...


Rick said...

Mine was issued 16 years ago when I was...oh, nevermind.....


Rick said...

Oh, and happy birthday, kid.


Paula said...

The picture on my driver's license is 9 years old. That means I was 23 as well. Too bad my picture looks like the mug shot of a drunk driver.

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